Wednesday, December 21, 2011

There are no straight lines in nature

In the beginning, there were no straight lines. Over the course of history, we began to make them. Then we made more, and more, and more. Our straight lines have created order in society; they make up the railings outside our apartments, the frames around our pictures.

I have a habit. Occasionally (and I do mean occasionally), I’ll smoke a cigarette. On this particular December day, I sat outside my apartment with a smoky treat and thought about lines, only to be shockingly interrupted by…flatulence. While you may now hate me for sharing that golden nugget of information, it caused me wonder to myself, “Over the course of this day, would that flatulence have occurred had I not smoked a cigarette?” The answer, of course, is “no.” History and causality have an odd way of aligning themselves.

Our decisions and our lines have brought us to where we are today: to a developed, broken, beautiful, painful, massive, shrinking world. As we draw new lines, let us ignore all that would invoke criticism. May we instead seek to mirror that which is perfect.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Three years and a bunch of days

Well it's been three years since my last farfarawayathome post. It's not that I've been saving my blogger-self for the perfect moment, or that I've magically become too cool to blog. "Twentysomething"--a phrase every twentysomething blogger must use once per post. Sorry, that was off topic. Too cool, too cool...ah yes. I forgot about magic. It's still there in every leaf, in every blade of grass, in every note emanating from the tejano accordion. Time for Spanish tutoring. For you Texans: It's 86 and sunny. ENJOY.